33 Cavendish Square,

Tel: 020 7060 6222

22 things you (probably) didn’t know about RedBook

21 Aug 2023
The evolution of RedBook into its 2.0 iteration has ushered in a new era of project launch & delivery services, and with exciting international expansion, supported by an experienced executive team and esteemed Advisory Board. Explore the intricate steps, unique tools, and collaborative prowess that define RedBook's white-glove service.


Setting the scene

  • The idea for RedBook dates from 2003, when our founder Sandy Mitchell (former deputy editor of Country Life magazine and editor on the Telegraph) bought a derelict Grade II-listed 13th-century manor house and was amazed to find there was no access to expert, comprehensive advice on how to launch and manage the restoration.
  • Since 2003, we’ve completed 300 projects worldwide.
  • We are “the firm with the unrivalled contacts book”, according to the Financial Times.

 “…we are the firm with the unrivalled contacts book.”

 “…RedBook has broadened its reach to take on overseas and commercial projects, with more exciting developments to come”

The Team

  • Tom Adams is our CEO. His role is shaping this next chapter of the business. We’ve dubbed it RedBook 2.0. In the (nearly) three years since Tom came on board, RedBook has broadened its reach to take on overseas and commercial projects, with more exciting developments to come.
  • As a result of Tom’s vision, today RedBook is an end-to-end design and delivery agency rather than an introductory firm.
  • One of our greatest strengths is the stature and experience of our Advisory Board. They are the talent gatekeepers and include luminaries such as Sir Roy Strong (former director of the V&A), Dr Simon Thurley (former CEO of English Heritage), sustainability expert Pooran Desai and rewilding pioneer Sir Charles Burrell.
  • Lord Andrew Hay—former head of Global Residential at Knight Frank—is our chairman.

The Process

  • Our white-glove service takes projects from the initial client consultation, through project-team selection and fee analysis through to project delivery and aftercare support. And we are the only company which offers this service.
  • There are 50 carefully mapped steps we take internally on each project.
  • Each client goes through RedBook’s unique taste-exploration exercise using our bespoke tool, designed in house, which enables clients to define where they stand on the design spectrum—it always produces surprising results.
  • When building a dream project team, we not only align the most suitable designers to our clients but we also know which designers will work best together with other team members on a project. With Zahra (Head of Partners) and Phil (Head of Projects) both being experienced architects, with in-depth experience of interiors projects too, we understand our partners and their capacity and know the questions to ask.
  • We take the headache and hassle out of projects and are highly efficient. One international client recently said it took him six months to achieve what RedBook achieved for him in 6 weeks.
  • We only work with the senior partners or directors of design firms; no RedBook project will be handed off to a junior member of a team.
  • When fee proposals come in from designers, we carry out a comprehensive analysis, benchmarking the figures against current market rates and ensuring our clients understand the detail of the proposals. This is one of our biggest value-add areas for clients.

The Index

  • In October 2023, we’ll be introducing our industry-leading RedBook Index giving clients and partners access to up-to-date build costs for prime properties in London and the country.
  • We also conduct pre-purchase feasibility studies for clients or selling agents using data from our Index. These studies examine properties at a granular level to reveal how a new owner might improve a property, how long the project might take and its cost. Properties that are slow to sell have quickly found buyers when buyers have all the answers at their fingertips.

The Cost

  • Our clients pay a one-off fee of £3,800 +VAT—nothing more—for our service.
  • Our partners pay us declared and transparent commissions.
  • We advise on construction projects with a value of £2m and above, or refurbishment projects that start from £500,000.



The Planet

  • Since 2022, all our clients’ projects have been carbon neutral—we cover the cost of offsetting in-house. We’ve created a sophisticated tool to calculate the carbon output of a project and offset this through tree planting.
  • We are on a mission to become certified as a B-Corp and a Green space influencer.


  • We are about providing the best levels of service and forensic attention to detail—that’s how we add value to clients.

Want to know more? Get in touch with our Head of Property, Poppy Chenevix-Trench at:

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